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Our Story

A brief history of our church.

On October 6, 1985, 51 people gathered together for the first time to worship in the community room of a bank as Faith Lutheran Church. This venture of faith was begun because these people felt a need to give birth to a mission-minded Lutheran voice in the midst of a rapidly expanding community. Seeking counsel and consent, they were led to the English District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.Rev. Paul Hoffmaster was God’s man at the right place and at the right time, and his pastoral care served the handful of people throughout the early months of birth.Rev. Dr. Robert Scudieri, Mission Counselor of the English District, gave his guidance and counsel as the congregation progressed into land purchase and construction. (Pastor Scudieri would later serve as Mission Equipping Pastor at Fatih.)

On April 21, 1991, the congregation dedicated its current home at 4150 Goodlette Road North, Naples.

The first called Pastor was Rev. Martin Lundi who served until his retirement in 1999. Many people heard about Faith Lutheran Church through a Sunday morning radio program that featured Pastor Lundi.

Rev. Donald Treglown currently serves the congregation as Senior Pastor, having arrived in May of 2001.

From the beginning, missions have been very important to Faith Lutheran Church and a generous portion of our offerings have always gone to support other missions and missionaries around the world.

There are still a lot of faces around from those first years and we have been greatly blessed with caring members, active programs, and a lively music program. With the addition of Administrative Pastor Brad Hildebrandt we thank God for all that has happened over the  years and pray that He will continue to bless our future as a family.