Bible study for men taught by Pastor Don Treglown. They are currently studying the Gospel of Luke.

Bible study for men taught by Pastor Don Treglown. They are currently studying the Gospel of Luke.
Mid-week Lenten Service at 6:30p.m. in the Sanctuary. Service will be proceeded by a light soup and sandwich meal in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30p.m.
Description: You are invited to join this Bible study for Ladies taught by Pastor Don Treglown. They meet at 10:00 am on Fridays in the Discipleship Room. They are...
Traditional Worship Holy Communion will be served every week. Service begins at 5PM.
8am Traditional 9:15am Contemporary 11am Traditional Holy Communion will be served every 1st and 3rd Sunday
This adult Bible study focuses on 1 Thessalonians and is taught by Pastor Duncan. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall each Sunday Morning at 10:15 am!