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Kids & Youth

Our goal

To strengthen and support the faith of our youth that they might share the Gospel with their communities by their words and their deeds.

Age Groups

Age 2 - PreK
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
3rd Grade - 6th Grade
Confirmation - 7th and 8th Grade
High School - 9th through 12th Grade


Sunday School

All kids are welcome at Sunday school every Sunday morning from 10:15–10:50. Ask a pastor or leader to find where your child's age group is meeting.

Sunday School runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day every year; during the "off season," families are encouraged to attend the adult Bible class together.


Confirmation at Faith is for youth in 7th and 8th grade; it usually runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day every year on Sunday evenings. Contact us if you're interested in having your child join us!