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Concordia Theological Seminary

For the months of October and November our mission focus will be to help build up the food pantries and other student resources at Concordia Theological Seminaries in St. Louis and Ft. Wayne.


Concordia Theological Seminary exists to form servants in Jesus Christ who teach the faithful, reach the lost, and care for all.


Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW) is an institution of theological higher education of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod whose central purpose is to prepare men for the pastoral ministry, as well as men and women for other service in the church, through programs offering an understanding of the Christian faith that is Christ centered, biblically based, confessionally Lutheran, and evangelically active.

Vision Statement

CTSFW is a vibrant, Christ-centered theological community that engages and resources the church and world, domestically and internationally, with distinctively Lutheran teaching, practice, and worship.

Core Values

1. Distinctively Lutheran
CTSFW is distinctively Lutheran in its teaching, practice, and worship life, being formed by the Holy Scriptures as the sole rule of teaching and the Lutheran Confessions as a clear, correct, and Christ-centered exposition of the Holy Scriptures.

2. Community-Oriented
CTSFW recognizes its responsibility to the greater community in both church and civil society. While the seminary itself is a vibrant community of students, faculty, and staff, it does not see itself in isolation. It is an active participant in the life of the church-at-large—from the local congregation to the Synod and its worldwide associations—and seeks to be a theological influence and a Lutheran voice to the city, the state, the nation, and the world.

3. Committed to Excellence
CTSFW is committed to excellence in all its endeavors, from the classroom, worship, and student experience to the stewardship of its human, financial, and physical resources.

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