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Lutherans In Medical Missions

Lutherans in Medical missions works with local and global partners to share Christ’s healing in medical underserved communities. LIMM was created to help meet the needs of medical professionals desiring to use their skills as a witness for Christ in Lutheran medical ministry across the world. The founders were health care professionals, church leaders, and others concerned with the lack of medical opportunities for service in LCMS mission work.  LIMM was incorporated in the State of Missouri as a not-for-profit in 1994 and later in 1996 was recognized as a 501(c).  For years, LIMM primary task involved connecting and financially assisting medical professions who had a desire to service on short term mission teams. Physicians, nurses, and those in related health care disciplines traveled to distant lands, setting up clinics, teaching national physicians, and aiding in disaster areas always sharing the good news of the gospel. LIMM connects with partners such as MMT( Mercy Medical Teams) and CHE (Community Health Education). These partner projects demonstrate Witness, Mercy and Life. CHE along with LIMM vision is intended to empower individuals and communities in creating healthier, happier, and more productive lives. LIMM sends health care professionals to countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Thailand, The Republic of Georgia West Africa and the Philippines. Together with LCMS called workers, these professionals taught and trained national Lutheran men and women, as well as others, how to teach and train their neighbors. LIMM has dispersed grants to Lutheran missionaries serving in the field throughout the world! They have purchased desperately needed medical supplies for hospitals and clinics in many countries. From sutures for surgery, eye glasses for reading, ultrasound equipment for nurse midwives, LIMM has been able to help because of donations from partners and supporters  LIMM wants your help so they can share the healing Christ in medically underserved communities.

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