A New Pastor At Faith Lutheran Church
06.30.24 | Articles, The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown
In the next couple of weeks, you will be hearing and using terms and expressions that you may not be familiar with but most of them are easily understood. I feel it may be helpful to review them as we prepare for the Ordination of Owen Duncan on July 21 at 3pm. He has been placed by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and is Called as an Associate Pastor after our Faith’s Call meeting and will be installed at Faith after his ordination.
- “Call Meeting”
This was the congregational meeting at which the pastor-elect (Owen) was chosen according to Faith’s constitution and bylaws.
- “Seminary Graduate”
A pastoral candidate who has recently graduated from the seminary, and has been certified by the faculty and is eligible for placement in a congregation.
- “Installation”
Under the practice and policy of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, our district president is to authorize the time in which the congregation publicly commits the exercise of the Office of the Keys and other desired pastoral functions to the pastor. It is also the festival service of worship celebrating the pastor’s arrival and affirming acceptance of the Call.
Bishop Jamison Hardy of the English District of the LCMS will conduct the Rite of installation.
- “Ordination”
Before Owen is installed, Bishop Hardy will officiate at the festival service that publicly affirms the church’s certification for the pastoral ministry. This will be the first time we have had the Rite of Ordination celebrated here at Faith Lutheran. This is a milestone for our congregation and something to give thanks to God.
- “Call” (“Divine”)
This is the solemn agreement between a pastor and a congregation designating the responsibilities that each undertakes in support of the other in fulfillment of Christ’s mission. Because Faith elected Owen Duncan to fulfill God’s mandate that there be someone to fill the pastoral office, only after asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it is appropriate to speak of his “Divine Call”.
- “Associate Pastor”
An ordained pastor who shares with a senior pastor responsibility in a congregation for the pastoral office. He now may be a voting delegate at conventions of district or synod.
With these encouraging terms and expressions, that are shown above, we pray they will help build a loving, caring, and Christ-centered relationship with our new pastor and his wife.
Pastor Don Treglown