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August 2024 General Update

    08.04.24 | Articles, General | by Randy Taylor | by Owen Duncan

    Thank You

    My wife and I would like to thank everyone who made my ordination such a memorable occasion. Many thanks to the whole congregation and to each board for the generous and thoughtful cards and gifts, to the women of faith for the delicious meal, and to Randy and Susan Taylor for coordinating with all the local clergy so that they could attend. Finally, we want to also thank the whole congregation for the overwhelming kindness and hospitality that we've been showered with ever since we came here. I can't say enough how excited I am to be your pastor and to serve our Lord with all of you. -Pastor Duncan

    Come and See!The Chosen – Season 4

    Faith Lutheran Church will be showing all 8 episodes of The Chosen, season 4, beginning Thursday, September 5 and running through Thursday, October 24 this year.  We will meet in Faith’s Fellowship Hall beginning at 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM.  As in the past, members of Faith’s Healing Prayer Team will guide discussion through the 8 episodes.  Come and see this wonderful depiction of Jesus, His disciples and the work Jesus did and is doing in us and for us.

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