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Call Committee Update

    08.01.23 | Articles, General | by Rowe Hudson

    Dear Faith Family,

    I wanted to provide you with an update on how the call process for a new associate pastor is going.  Starting in June, the call committee reviewed all of the survey results provided by the congregation and created a document summarizing the characteristics of a new pastor that are important to the congregation along with the specific job requirements and duties that the pastor will fulfill.  Some of the characteristics include:

    1. 30-45 years old
    2. Have at least 5 years pastoral experience
    3. Marital Status – Not Important
    4. Years of experience more important than specific degree/education
    5. Personal, Relational, Engaging Preaching Style

    This information was provided to Pastor Treglown who added his comments and sent it on to the bishop.  Currently, we await candidates for our committee to review.   This is also the time in which we will accept candidate nominations from the congregation.   If you have someone that you would like to nominate for consideration by the committee, please reach out to me either via email at or 239-572-0923.

    Thank you all for your continued prayers for the Lord’s will to be done to bring us the right individual for His purpose.

    In His name,
    Rowe Hudson
    Chair, Call Committee

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