Congregational Meeting
03.03.24 | Articles, General | by Ron Mitchell | by Michael Schmidt
Dear FLC Family:
There is a Congregation meeting scheduled for March 17, at Noon, following the 11AM service.
Your attendance is very much needed to help elect officers and approve the budget, so please plan to attend.
The following positions will be voted on, along with any additional names submitted:
President – Michael Schmidt
Secretary - Open
Director of Outreach and Missions – Shirley Neumann
Director of Member Contact – Sammi Treglown
Director of Fellowship – Shirley Hulse
Director of Women of Faith – Mary Ellen Martin
Director of Church Properties – Mike Werner
Director of Lambs of Faith - Open
Dear Faith Family,
With many regrets Mackenzie Fluharty has removed her name from the nomination for Council Secretary. Mackenzie is an active member of our Call Committee and is legitimately concerned about the constraints of two very important commitments.
We are now searching for another candidate to serve as the Council Secretary. This essential and rewarding position is critical to the efficient functioning of the Lord’s house and His congregation. Please prayerfully consider putting your name forward for the two-year term as Council Secretary. The election will take place at 12:00 noon on Sunday, March 17.
In His Service,
Michael L Schmidt
Vice President