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From the Congregation President - January 2025

    01.01.25 | Articles, General | by Michael Schmidt

    Dear fellow Members of Faith Lutheran Church,

    As we have now moved into the exciting and challenging 2025, I wish each of you a healthy and happy year.  Our Lord has richly blessed each of us with the ability to experience another year in His service.  Faith Lutheran has been the recipient of so many spiritual, monetary and prayerful gifts in 2024 and my prayer is that this momentum continues many fold.  Thanks to those of you who gave boundless energy and time.

    With all being said and honored, I am honored to have had Randy Taylor serve under me as the Vice President of this congregation as he filled my term when you chose me as your President in 2024.  Randy has done an exemplary job.  One of his tasks is to entice the Members of Faith to answer a call to service in the many offices, boards and committees that are required to ensure our Lord’s mission is as He expects of us.  Randy will be reaching out, to my dismay, to replace himself in the position of Vice President.  Likewise, we have some very important vacancies to consider.  Very important is the Board of Directors of our Lambs of Faith Preschool which has been operating without a Chairperson.  We have been blessed by the benevolent gifts of each of you; however, a Chairperson for the Board of Stewardship would be welcomed individual to discover the spiritual, talent and financial gifts of our congregation.  There are other boards with very competent leaders who have served for many years.  Honestly, some of them would love to see new leadership, fresh ideas and eager participation.

    I ask that each of you prayerfully consider your talents to serve our congregation.  Please reach out to myself, Randy Taylor or one of the Pastors with your willingness to be considered.  Together, we can accomplish His mission and have some fun doing that.

    In His service,

    Michael L Schmidt, President

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