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General Update, February 2024

    02.03.24 | Articles, General | by Rowe Hudson | by Judy McDermott | by Donna Jean Christy

    Call Committee Update 

    Dear Faith Family,

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  Now that we are through the holiday season, the call committee is back at work on the list of pastoral candidates and beginning the process of reaching out to those who are open to receiving a call.  From there we will schedule interviews with the goal of narrowing down to three candidates for the congregation’s consideration.  I am reluctant to give a specific timetable on when this will be completed, but I can assure you that our committee is working diligently toward a conclusion.  Please continue to pray for us and the candidates who are being considered, and that the Lord will be uplifted during this entire process.  God’s blessings to each one of you.

    Rowe Hudson

    Chair, Call Committee

    WOF Spring Tea

    The Women of Faith will be hosting the annual Spring Tea on Saturday March 2nd, 2024.  It will be held in the Fellowship Hall from 11AM to 2:30PM.  All women who attend Faith Lutheran Church and a guest(s) are invited.  Look for more information in the weekend bulletins during the month of February-sign up sheets will be available during that time in the Narthex.

    We look forward to seeing you!  “Beautiful Spring Hats Will Be Optional”

    Faith Lutheran Church Blood Drive

    Save A Life – Donate Blood

    Sunday February 18, 2024

    8:30 am – 12:15 pm

    Place: Fellowship Hall.  The blood mobile will be outside.

    Sign-up sheet is in the Narthex. Once you are signed-up,

    please take one of the cards that provides additional information.

    Questions: Contact Judy McDermott, 239-822-5973

    LWML Mites

    Every month the Faith Lutheran Church LWML collects mite donations on the first Sunday of the month. This money goes to help fulfill grants to help those in need in the Unites States and around the world. 

    Faith Lutheran has a Mite Box located in the hallway between the Narthex and the Fellowship Hall for collecting spare change and bills. Lots of little things can add up to very big things, evidenced nationally by the over $1Million worth of mission grants funded by Mite donations each year.

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