Healing Prayer Team News
07.03.22 | Articles, Mission | by Randy Taylor
First off, our heartfelt “thank you” to all who helped in support of the Christian Healing Center of Naples (CHCN) during the month of June. CHCN is totally supported by contributions and your help in this Mission of the Month is greatly appreciated. Five of Faith’s Healing Prayer Team serve as prayer ministers at CHCN on a regular basis. More and more people are calling or writing to request prayer appointments. At CHCN, prayer teams of two or sometimes three prayer ministers provide prayers for physical, emotional and spiritual healing for all who ask. Jesus never refused to help people who sought Him for healing, and CHCN follows Jesus.
Community prayer teams from 11 area churches share in the prayer appointments at CHCN and four local churches have hosted monthly gatherings that rotate among the local churches. During this past year, Faith’s HPT has taken its turn hosting the gathering. Our own Pastor Maconachy has twice provided the teaching and Pastor Treglown provided the teaching for the recent gathering at Faith on June 22. Randy McClendon has provided the worship experience for two of the gatherings at Faith and one at St. John’s Episcopal.
Faith has been recognized by the International Order of St. Luke as a Healing Prayer Team that can provide the training for people to learn to become prayer ministers. The training looks closely at the 26 healing miracles of Jesus recorded in the Gospels. Students learn details of how Jesus healed people in need and get in class practice in how to pray for the different types of healing (physical, emotional and spiritual). In the past year, Faith held a training session and had six students. Our Healing Prayer Team would like to add more members to the group, so if you are interested, please let Randy Taylor or any of our team members know.
Faith’s HPT collaborates with the OSL group at St. John’s for continuing education and prayer. In 2023, we will be working with the OSL groups at both St. John’s and Bonita Presbyterian to hold a larger healing prayer day and service. The date for the gathering is February 11, and will be in the Fellowship Hall. The speaker for the day will be the Rev. Josh Acton, North American Director of OSL. Rev. Acton’s personal testimony of becoming involved in praying for healing is encouraging and powerful. We do not know his topics for the day yet, but will keep you informed as planning progresses. We will also be inviting our OSL Region 3 Director, Ditsie Scobie of Jacksonville, Florida and OSL’s national Convener Coach, Dr. Mike Sabback of Charleston, S.C. to attend if their schedules permit.
Faith is also working to create a prayer room inside Faith. Quite often, people’s need for healing prayer is very personal. CHCN has confidential space but we need such designated room at Faith as well. Some space needs to be identified for storage and some renovation of existing space will begin later this year or early next year. When the prayer room is finished, Faith members and friends will be able to make prayer appointment in our church home.
May our God continue his favor and blessings as we serve Him. Randy Taylor