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July 2024 General Update

    06.30.24 | Articles, Women of Faith, General | by Lambs of Faith Preschool | by Mary Ellen Martin

    Women of Faith Update

    Dear Church Family,

    The Women of Faith would like to thank you for your prayers and your support this past season of 2023-2024.  Our last meeting for this season was help on May 14th.  It is always a privilege to serve our congregation and community.  We will not meet again as a group until our Long Range Planning meeting in August.  However, there are two events that will happen over the summer for you to be aware of .

    —-We are planning and hosting the Potluck Dinner following Pastor Duncan’s Ordination Service on Sunday, July 21st.  This will be held following the Servicein the Fellowship Hall.

    —-This summer we will be collecting school supplies for Avalon Elementary School in Naples.  Again the staff was amazed that a church would offer to provide for the school children.  We know this is a great opportunity to spread the love Jesus has for us all.  We will be collecting items July 1st-July 31st and will be taken to the school the first week of August.  We will post the “Needs List” on the table outside the Discipleship Room.  Boxes will be available for your donations.  We thank you in advance for helping us with this mission.

    May God Bless Each of You, 

    Mary Ellen Martin

    Thank You

    We are so grateful to all the volunteers, donors and junior guides that helped us put on a blessed and fun filled VBS 2024! Jesus Gives Us Joy!

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