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June 2022 General Update

    06.01.22 | Articles, General | by Sam Maconachy

    Summer Sermon Series

    “Love is…”

    We are prayerfully looking forward to our summer sermon series this year as we take a deep and intentional look in 1 Corinthians 13.  It all starts on July 2/3!  Stay tuned, stream-in when away, and of course come sit-in for worship when you’re in town as we seek to grow in the love of Jesus.

    thank You

    I am so grateful for your kindnesses after my recent knee replacement surgery. Thanks for everything you have done; the prayers, cards, visits, and meals were special blessings during my recovery. Your loving support helped me to heal quickly, and I am now back on my feet. 


    Joanne Treglown

    Thank you and praises to our Lord for our Sunday School teachers Michele Peterson, Amanda Sherwood, and Andrea Peterson!  Your love for Jesus and all the children here at Faith are tremendous blessings to our faith community.  Thank you for your faithfulness.

    -Love and blessings in Jesus, the Pastors at Faith


    God’s love and joy be with you Faith family!

    Thank you for your praying.  VBS is fast approaching.  As we get ready to welcome our beloved VBSers we are in need of items to help bless their time together here:

    For our Craft Station we need:
    Toothpicks, washable colored markers, colored pencils, colored tissue paper, plastic sandwich bags, plastic gallon bags, painters tape

    For our Snack Station we need:
    Pita bread, flour tortillas, blue or purple jello packs, blue or white sprinkles, chocolate or vanilla sandwich cookies, vanilla icing, toaster waffles, fruit loops, drink umbrellas

    Any bit helps to make our VBS memorable for these children.  Each year this is one of our biggest outreach events to the community.  Thank you, and may our Good Lord continue to help and bless us all!

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