Meet Your Call Committee
06.01.23 | Articles, General | by Ron Mitchell
Meet Your Call Committee
Dear Faith Lutheran Church Family:
Now that Pastor Sam has taken a call to Faith Lutheran Oakville, we must go to work, following God’s direction, to call a new Associate Pastor. I have named a Call Committee and asked Rowe Hudson to Chair it. Their task is a very serious and important one, and we are blessed to have a team that is well suited for the work.
I can tell you we have full representation from all four services. They are a diverse group based the church activities in which they participate, and they represent all our age groups. Rowe tells me they showed great enthusiasm in their first meeting, and are ready to "hit the ground running".
Your Call Committee is:
Mackenzie Fluharty – attends the Saturday 5PM service, and is involved with Young People and Families Bible Study. Also heavily involved with various Fellowship activities. Age Category: 30-50
Rowe Hudson (Committee Chair) - Usually attends the Sunday 9:15am service, and just completed 4 years as Congregation Vice-President. He also serves as an usher, reader, and greeter. Age Category: 30-50
Steve Nurenberg - Attends the Sunday 9:15am service, is an elder, usher, and communion assistant. He Also participates in most church activities with his wife, Jan. Age Category: 51+
Michele Peterson - Usually attends the Sunday 11am service, and currently part of the Young Adult Bible Study. She supports our youth as one of the Sunday School teachers, volunteers for VBS and Rally Day, and chaperoned the past two National Youth Gatherings in Minneapolis and Houston. Age Category: 18-29
Calvin Sofianos - Attends the Sunday 9:15am service, and participated in the youth program when in high school. He also attended the National Youth Gathering in 2019 as a participant and the 2022 event as a chaperone. Age Category: 18-29
Sandy Thoburn - Attends the Sunday 8am service, and is a member of the Altar Guild, Greeters, Women of Faith, Board of Member Contact. Also participates in Bible studies, Vacation Bible School, and fellowship socials. Age Category: 51+
Please pray for each of these brothers and sisters in Christ, and ask for God to supply them with courage, confidence, wisdom, patience, and mercy, as they do their work. Further communication and updates will come from this committee.
His Will be done.
Blessings to all.
Ron Mitchell
Congregation President