Meet Your Council
07.31.22 | Articles, General | by Ron Mitchell
Dear blessed Faith Lutheran Church Congregation:
Every two years, the election process is conducted to elect Church Officers and Directors. Earlier this year, you elected two officers and several Directors. As your President, I would like you to know the brothers and sisters you have entrusted to run the business of Faith Lutheran Church. There are 4 Officers and 9 Board Directors that comprise the Church Council. I realize many of you already know them all, but many may not. I won’t try to do it all in one article, so I will start with the Officers, and will follow-up with the Board Directors in future editions of The Voice.
Your Officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Here is who they are, and a brief description of what they do:
President Ron Mitchell – chief operating officer whose duties include calling and presiding over all meetings of the Congregation, the Church Council, and the Executive Committee; upholds the Articles of Incorporation and Constitution and Bylaws of the Church to carry out the expressed will of the Congregation as embodied in the resolutions and ratifications of the Church Council, and of the Congregation Voters; signs all legal documents and contracts, and signs checks in the absence of the Treasurer.
Vice President Rowe Hudson – presides over meetings in the absence of the President; performs all duties of the President during absence or inability, including the signing of legal documents; chairs the annual Nominating Committee and the Human Resources Committee; oversees the development of policies and procedures related to Human Resources for our employees; serves on the Executive Committee of the Church Council.
Secretary Judy McDermott - keeps a written recording of proceedings in meetings of the Congregation, Church Council, and Executive Committee, and all Board meeting reports; carries on all correspondence requested by the President; chairs and provides oversight of the activities of the Communications Committee, providing timely reports of the Committee activities to the Church Council; serves on the Executive Committee of the Church Council.
Treasurer David Opland - reviews the Church financial statements and bank reconciliations as prepared by the Business Manager; presents financial reports at Church Council and Congregation meetings; reviews the flow of monies from the treasury to the various boards; prepares an annual budget in consultation with Council Boards and the Finance Committee; signs checks for payment of bills, salaries, or any other authorized financial commitments of the Church; serves on the Executive Committee of the Church Council.