My Brothers And Sisters In Christ
05.01.24 | The Shepherd's Voice, General | by Pastor Brad Hildebrandt
How blessed we were with the number of folks who worshiped with us during Holy Week and Easter.
As we begin a new financial year, we have just finished preparing the budget for the year 2024-2025. I realize no one especially likes the word budget but it is an essential tool in carrying out our various missions and for the general operation of our congregation.
Developing this fiscal year's budget has been somewhat of a challenge. The budget was approved at the meeting of our congregation. The budget has a possible deficit of revenue over expenses of approx $170,000. A number of factors are causing this potential budget including the calling of a new pastor, general inflation which is affecting everything we buy, necessary salary adjustments and a substantial raise in insurance. We have been seeing 35-40 percent increases in the last two years and can expect more this year. We are working on options to reduce the cost including some level of self insurance.
Keep in mind though that a budget is just a plan, and our actual result may eliminate the deficit, as it has in the past based on the giving of our members. Our budget does allow our various boards to carry out their various missions that Christ as given to us.
As you know we currently have several major projects underway including replacing the air conditioners in the Sanctuary, undertaking a remodel of our rest rooms, and replacing the worn out floors in the Lambs of Faith classrooms. Fortunately, these projects are not affecting our budget as we have ample funds to cover the cost as a result of a number of large gifts we received this last year.
Lastly, the Endowement Committee is reviewing all aspects of the fund to provide more flexible uses of the funds. Any change will require congregational approval.
Barbara and I will be leaving for our summer break in the middle of May and so we wish all of you aBlessed Summer.
Pastor Brad