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Owen and Evangeline Duncan

    06.02.24 | Articles, The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

    In about 1 month, we will be welcoming our new associate pastor here at Faith Lutheran Church in Naples, Florida.   It is an exciting time and a new beginning for both Faith and the Duncans.  Here are a few suggestions that will help in welcoming them:

    1. Pray for your new pastor (and his wife).  The Call Committee has done a wonderful blessings by praying for the pastor even before they knew the identity of our new minister.  I can assure you that praying for your pastor will strengthen his ministry and will help build our relationship with Owen and Evangeline.
    2. Send your pastor a welcome card or note. Bring them to the church office where Patti will gather them together to give to the Duncans at their special welcoming. We are planning for his Ordination and Installation service here at Faith on July 21, 2024 at 3:00pm
    3. Mention your names on your first several encounters with your new pastor and his wife.   Learning new names is an important part of ministry and in relationship strengthening.  By the way, it was a little embarrassing for Jo and I when we first arrived when we were quizzed, “Do you remember my name?”  Let’s give the Duncans the opportunity to learn your name, and over time, to learn more of your life story.
    4. Embrace the uniqueness of your new pastor.  I am really excited as Senior Pastor of Faith Lutheran to discover the personality of our newest staff member, to see his spiritual gifts, and find out about his life experiences. From Fargo, ND to Irvine, California, vicarage in Plant City, FL, and finishing up in St. Louis, MO means there are a number of experiences we are looking forward to hearing about.
    5. Be prepared for new ideas.  This couple is truly bringing a new era of ministry at Faith  But remember, we are all sinners who make mistakes. Don’t hold Owen and Evangeline to a standard of perfection that is impossible to maintain.  Knowing that only God is perfect is a great way to build a new relationship.

    I love the ministry here at Faith Lutheran Church.  The pastors of our past, our present, and our future should have the ultimate goals of realizing God’s grace and mercy, administer the Sacraments in right and good order,  teach God’s Word, share the Gospel, invite and equip disciples, and promote Love for God and our neighbors.

    Looking forward to the Big Welcome in July!

    Pastor Don & Jo Treglown

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