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Peace, Hope, Love

    05.01.22 | The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

    Holy Week and Easter Sunday with the messages of Pastor Hildebrant, Pastor Maconachy, and myself and from each of you reminds me of God’s Truth: There is power in peace. There is a hope in forgiveness. There is reconciliation in love. From the heavens above to the depths below we are called to come and see and then go and tell that Jesus is not only alive, but active and present in the here and now of 2022.

    In this coming Easter season, the story is not over. The journey of Jesus Christ from His birth to death to the empty tomb was much more than a narrative account told by the four Gospel writers. It was and still is a living story that continues to be told. It is a living story, told by each of us here at Faith Lutheran, where Christ is center stage.

    For me, the 25th Anniversary of the Lenten Drama Presentation – “Is It I” , was a highlight of the Lenten Season. (It helped having my son play the part of Jesus Christ to have me even more involved). But the main reason is that it told the message that the world needs to hear. People with flaws, just like you and me, were in the presence of God and because of this relationship they were given the privilege to witness with power and compassion to Jesus Christ made manifest in the world. All these years, after the first Easter, there is still oppression, hatred, division, and a system that benefits those in power. 

    All these years later, the people of this world still yearn for peace, hope, forgiveness, reconciliation, and love. The conflict in Ukraine reminds me of this pain of the world. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are each called through and in our daily lives to proclaim, sing, and shout a Gospel message splits temple curtains in half, shakes the earth to its core, and brings tyranny to its knees.

    You have this opportunity to change the world. You have been equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to Come and See Jesus Christ and then Go and Tell the World what He has done.

    Another highlight for me this year was the Choir and Praise Team singing God’s praises for the abundance of gifts we have received. We cannot help but continue on shouting from highest mountain and deepest valley that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven: A will of peace, hope, forgiveness, and love – gifts we received from our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    In His Name!

    Pastor Don

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