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Prayer Matters August 2024

    08.04.24 | Articles, Prayer Matters | by Emma Sofianos

    Fix my Unbelief

    As a college student, my next steps are constantly up in the air and always profoundly out of my control. With every answer comes five more questions. Where will I go to school? What will I major in? Will I get this internship? Where will I go after graduation? For someone who likes to have a general plan of where my life is going, it can feel like a nightmarish rollercoaster.

    Through each experience, I’ve seen a pattern develop. I apply to my dream school, or I want this specific internship only to be rejected while someone “more qualified” is chosen. I’ve also witnessed how every time God has something way better in store for me. For example, my top choice of college was the University of Florida, and I was beyond devastated when they rejected me. However, once I began looking deeper into my second choice, Florida State University, I not only discovered that they had a better program for my major, but they offered students the chance to live abroad for a year. This was the first time where I really saw that however great I think my idea for my life is, God’s plan blows it out of the water. 

    Through this process, I’ve begun praying a specific verse from Mark 9:24 which states, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” When I’m struggling with uncertainty, this prayer reminds me that God is always with me and only He can turn my doubt into faith. In every “no”, God is moving me towards His “yes” and a far better solution to whatever I’m facing. So, whenever you’re stressed about where life is taking you next, I hope that this prayer reminds you of where you stand—In God’s unchanging, secure, and loving hands. 

    Emma Claire Sofianos

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