Prayer Matters February 2025
02.09.25 | Articles, Prayer Matters | by Susan Taylor
The beginning of the year is often the time when we make New Years resolutions. I don’t usually make New Years resolutions because after a while I can’t remember what resolutions I made. This year however, there is a resolution Randy and I decided upon. We decided to devote one day per week for prayer for our family (son/daughter-in-law, and 4 grandchildren). And we are seeing God’s answers. One, a grand-daughter asked Pr. Treglown to baptize her in the gulf and we were witnesses to that blessed event. That doesn’t mean we don’t pray for our family at other times during the week but dedicating one day per week focused on specific needs of each individual is proving beneficial. When we pray for family, we use a book called Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children (Trusting God with the Ones You Love). This book provides specific testimonies and scriptures related to circumstances such as praying for a future spouse, praying through a health crisis, praying for protection from sexual sin, praying for protection from harm etc. These topics are certainly relevant for today’s culture. Praying is one of the most important parenting and grandparenting assignments we’ve been given. And praying scripture over our family equips us to “storm the gates of heaven” for our family. I pray you will give it a try.
Susan Taylor
Faith Healing Prayer Team