Prayer Matters July 2024
06.30.24 | Articles, Prayer Matters | by Ron Mitchell
In many of these Prayer Matters articles, we’ve shared testimonies of personal prayers being answered. While it’s true they may not always be answered in our way and in our time, they are always answered in His way and in His time. So, as the lyrics of a popular contemporary Christian song says….
Don’t Stop Praying….
don’t stop calling on Jesus’ name….
keep on pounding on Heaven’s door…..
let your knees wear out the floor…..
your Father heard every word your saying…..
Don’t Stop Praying.
Now, more than ever, we need prayer for our society, for our country, and for our world. We’re living in a broken world, and with everything going on around us, it would be easy to just give in and drift away from God’s plan for us. That’s what the enemy wants, and as Christians, we just can’t do that.
In Romans 13:1-7, Paul points out that government exists because God allows it to exist. Therefore, we’re told to submit to the government as we would submit to God Himself. We may wonder how God would want us to submit to authorities who don’t always act with perfect justice. In Acts 4:13-22, we find there is a place for civil disobedience. Sometimes we need to resist evil even if it's sanctioned by the governing authorities. But we are called to support and obey authorities that seek to uphold justice. When governing authorities stand in direct contradiction to God's will, we need to seek the support of others and try to change the situation.
So I ask you….pray for our country, pray for our government, and pray for our motto of In God We Trust to again be honored as it was when our forefathers founded this country. Don’t stop praying. Why? Because Prayer Matters!
Ron Mitchell
FLC Healing Prayer Team