Prayer Matters May 2024
05.01.24 | Prayer Matters | by Susan Taylor
Because we believe prayer matters, members of Faith Lutheran Church volunteer to write the monthly “Prayer Matters” article for the Voice. I chose May because it is my birthday month. I love gifts and I know how generous all of you are so I’m boldly asking for a birthday gift from each one of you. This gift won’t cost you a dime but will reap huge rewards. Please select one prayer from the list below and pray for your selection every day in the month of May (or longer if you wish). Here is the list:
- Our pastors and staff will know how much we love and appreciate them
- The Holy Spirit will bring revival and awakening of faith in America
- Our seminaries will overflow with pastoral students to meet the needs of our congregations
- Every member will commit to daily Bible reading and prayer
- Our youth groups will grow and flourish
- No family will be torn apart by separation or divorce
- Miracles of physical and emotional healing will occur in our congregation
- There will be no shortage of volunteers to fill every position in Faith’s leadership, council, Sunday school, VBS, and all groups
- The Holy Spirit will so bless our congregation that there will be no empty chairs or “empty people” in any of the Saturday and Sunday services.
- Every Faith member will experience the real and powerful joy of the Lord
At the end of the month, I would love to hear how you saw and experienced God work through your prayers. Email me at .
Serving the King
Susan Taylor