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WOF/LWML October 2023

    10.01.23 | Articles, Women of Faith | by Mary Ellen Martin

    The WOF held their Long Range Planning Session on August 26th for the coming season. We met in the Fellowship Hall over a potluck breakfast and discussed our upcoming events. We are looking forward to getting together with our church family.

     Sunday, October 8th, is Pastor Appreciation Day! We are so blessed to have Pastor Treglown and Pastor Hildebrand! To show our appreciation, the WOF and the Church Council have planned a potluck dinner that day at 12 noon and will provide the meat, beverages and a cake. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you all. Please sign up in the Narthex or in the Fellowship Hallway so we can better plan for the meal. If you wish to bring a dish to pass, please fill in that column. The Praise Team will be providing music for us! Come enjoy the Fellowship!

     Saturday, October 28th, we will be hosting the LWML Fall Rally. The morning will begin at 8:30 with Registration and Breakfast. The program will include a Welcome, Opening Worship, Installation of Officers and a Love Offering. A Bible Study will be presented by Pastor Treglown. The Program Speaker will be: Colleen Durham, the Grace Place Director. A short business meeting will follow then the closing and a luncheon prayer. The Rally will conclude with lunch in the Fellowship Hall.

    We would like all attendees to consider donating one or more of these items for the Grace Place Food Bank: beans, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, mac and cheese or cereal. Brochures will be available for more detailed information and registration forms.

     Saturday, November 4th. We are in the planning stages for our annual Fall Bazaar.

    This will include our Craft Sale and Bake Sale. You can also purchase lunch to eat on the patio! The proceeds from this fund the missions of the Women of Faith.

     December 2nd will be the Women of Faith Christmas Party. This is a lovely time to get together for lunch, fellowship and enjoy Christmas. Details will follow. 

     The Women of Faith is open to all women from Faith Lutheran Church. We would look forward to sharing time with you.

     Please keep us in your prayers. God’s Blessings,
     Mary Ellen Martin. President of WOF

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