Our goal
To form and shape the youth at Faith in the love and mind of Christ.
In our mission, we seek to: create a community of young believers in Christ, cultivate faithful Christian relationships with others, and commission disciple making.
To form and shape the youth at Faith in the love and mind of Christ.
In our mission, we seek to: create a community of young believers in Christ, cultivate faithful Christian relationships with others, and commission disciple making.
All kids are welcome at Sunday school every Sunday morning from 10:15–10:50. Ask a Pastor or leader to find where your child's age group is meeting.
Sunday School runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day every year; during the "off season," families are encouraged to attend the adult Bible class together.
Age 2 - PreK
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
3rd Grade - 6th Grade
Confirmation - 7th and 8th Grade
High School - 9th through 12th Grade