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Parkinson's Association of Southwest Florida

Founded in 1997, the Parkinson's Association of Southwest Florida (PASWFL) was organized, incorporated, and secured charity 501(c)3 status to help those in our community diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) or other neurodegenerative diseases.  From diagnosis through the progression of the disease, PASWFL provides free programming, therapies, and services for people with PD, their care partners and loved ones to ensure healthier outcomes. 

What is PD? Parkinson’s Disease is a chronic neurologic condition and a slowly progressive disease associated with the gradual loss of nerve cells in the brain that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. Decreased dopamine levels may lead to generalized slowness, stiffness of the limbs, resting tremor among other manifestations. Every PD patient is different and experiences the disease uniquely.

Because age is a key factor in diagnoses and Collier & Lee Counties FL are a haven for retirees, the Parkinson's population in southwest Florida is growing.  Our research shows that more than 7,000 in these two counties have PD.  Every nine minutes, someone within the United States is diagnosed with PD, the fastest growing among neuro-degenerative diseases. 

Today, PASWFL operates year-round helping our family, friends, and neighbors  Live Well with PD.  Many calls received at the PASWFL office are from recently diagnosed individuals asking for guidance on how to navigate this new life. We encourage engagement in evidence-based programs led by licensed and certified providers for exercise/movement sessions, speech/vocalization classes, and support groups – all critical to living well with PD.  Each week we provide 20+ programs:  12 exercise classes, 5-6 support group meetings, 6 speech therapy sessions, and 3 social wellness activities. Monthly we offer 2-3 educational presentations (PD Talks) by leading PD medical experts and health professionals. 

As an independent, local charitable organization, the funds raised here stay here! We rely on the generosity of our community partners, individual donors, and fundraising efforts to provide the extensive cadre of programs in southwest Florida. We are also grateful for the financial support provided by our members.

We are especially grateful to Faith Lutheran Church for embracing PASWFL as your October Mission! Your contributions will support PASWFL in continuing to help our members Live Well with PD. Thank you!


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