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The Voice of Faith


Filtered by: The Shepherds Voice

Lent 2025
    03.01.25 | Articles | The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

    Forty years ago, while at Vicarage at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Truman Minnesota, I was given the task of preparing for Lenten Services in 1985.   It was a difficult time for the community as the Farm Crisis of the 1980s was in...

    A Year Of Joy
      01.01.25 | Articles | The Shepherd's Voice | by Owen Duncan

      In his article, Pastor Treglown talked about New Year’s traditions—things people do to usher in the new year. Whenever I read about these traditions, I’m always struck by the thing that so many of these traditions have in...

      Happy Thanksgiving AGAIN
        11.01.24 | Articles | The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

        As you may or may not know, Faith Lutheran Church is part of the English District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. What makes that even more enjoyable for us is that we have fellow District congregations in Canada. Though the United States...

        Passing On The Faith
          10.01.24 | Articles | The Shepherd's Voice | by Owen Duncan

          Throughout October in our Epistle readings we’re going to be reading from the book of Hebrews, and the first reading from Hebrews for October (on the 5th and 6th) sets up an important theme for the whole book. That reading begins...

            10.01.24 | Articles | The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

            Growing up, I was blessed with being near both sets of grandparents.  Their cultures and backgrounds were very different as it was a formal time and proper English was important to them.  I’ll never forget one Thanksgiving where I...

