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Thank you from Women of Faith

    12.01.22 | Articles, Women of Faith | by Ricki Bond

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    The November Holiday Craft Show and Bake Sale was a great success thanks to the hard work of many members of our congregation. Such an event takes enormous coordination to put on. It is the annual fundraiser for Women of Faith, who donate money we make to charities, missions, Lambs of Faith projects, Lutheran seminary students, and our own church projects. We wish to thank the many participants for their time and effort. Year round the women of Cravin’ to Craft work on projects to sell at various times during the year. This year several groups who could not meet on Mondays with the craft group met on the weekend to make a variety of items to boost our merchandise. In the summer the vendors are contacted to commit to buying a space. Their spaces must be outlined in the Fellowship Hall. Tables must be set up for WOF’s crafts. Crafts are brought down from storage to these tables and displayed on the Friday before the sale. Tables are set up for the Bake Sale as well and items are displayed as members of the congregation and Lambs of Faith moms bring in their goods. The kitchen crew preps for serving the lunch. On Saturday the vendors must be met and helped to set up their spaces. Helpers to sell, welcome visitors, take cash for the bake sale, lunch, and crafts are busy through the day. Vendors pack up after the sale. The kitchen crew is busy cleaning up. The Bake Sale and Craft Sale tables are manned after services on Saturday and Sunday. Money is collected and counted. After noon on Sunday we inventory and pack up unsold goods and put them back in storage. Now we are ready to determine our profit after deducting costs. After two years which kept us from serving lunch or having a bake sale we have replenished our coffers for Women of Faith. Thanks to all the workers who helped make this event successful. Above all, we praise the Lord who made it all possible.

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