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Meet Your Council (continued)

    09.04.22 | Articles, General | by Ron Mitchell

    Board of Elders Director - Jim West: This Board is responsible for the physical, spiritual and professional life of the Pastor(s). The Director presides at all meetings of the Board and ensures they are conducted in an orderly and Christlike manner, and is responsible for leadership, direction and support to all other board members as they perform their duties. With input from the Senior Pastor, the Board is responsible for oversight of the activities of the Worship, Music and Arts Committee and its subcommittees, and is responsible for providing and scheduling communion assistants, including their instruction and training. With assistance of the Church Office Secretary, it organizes greeters, ushers, and readers. With appropriate input from various ministry boards, committees, and individual congregational members, it is responsible for providing ongoing feedback and for preparing the performance review of the Pastor(s). 

    Board of Outreach and Missions Director - Shirley Neumann: This Board is responsible for motivating, educating and organizing the members of Faith Lutheran Church to be a positive and effective force for spreading the Good News as set forth by our Lord, Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19. The board works collaboratively with Church Council leadership and reports to the congregation through voters' meetings and the Church Council at regular meetings. The Board sets up procedures to welcome and follow up with guests, inviting them to continue worshipping at Faith. They also organize outreach and mission opportunities that are local, national and international, and educate the congregation regarding these ministries to include them in prayer and support. 

    Board of Member Care Director - Sammi Treglown: This Board provides spiritual care and support for members of the congregation by nourishing the faith life of individuals, and advises the Pastor(s) and staff in all matters pertaining to the spiritual well being of the congregation. The Director manages a process that organizes the members and regular worshipers of Faith Lutheran Church into spiritual  care groups and then assigns them to each Board member for responsibility. At least once a year, they contact each assigned family or individual in order for them to know which Board member they may contact for any issue regarding Faith Lutheran Church or for personal/spiritual matters. They build personal and spiritual relationships with families, or individuals, pray regularly for them, and keep the Pastor(s) informed on any particular needs or concerns of specific members in their group. They help integrate new members into active membership and involvement in the life of the congregation, and are bound in silence while in office and thereafter, regarding all communications of a confidential nature. 

    Board of Education Director - Andrea Peterson: This Board assists in the provision for Lutheran/Christian education for every age level of the Faith Lutheran Church congregation. These may include, but are not limited to, Sunday School, adult and youth Bible classes, Vacation Bible School, cottage meetings, discussion groups on particular topics, and any other educational events offered specifically by Faith Lutheran Church or in cooperation with other churches or entities. They encourage Faith members to be life long learners for their personal and spiritual growth in their faith/life, and provide oversight for any full time Christian educational ministry at Faith Lutheran Church. 

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