My first response in any time of need should be to pray and turn it all over to God. However, this has taken me quite a few years to learn! As a young person I prayed to God for protection, and with a grateful heart, knowing that He was...
The beginning of the year is often the time when we make New Years resolutions. I don’t usually make New Years resolutions because after a while I can’t remember what resolutions I made. This year however, there is a...
We’ve been doing these Prayer Matters articles for quite a while now, and often we talk about how much prayer matters when we’re experiencing answered prayers. But what about when our prayers aren’t answered? Do we...
In this “Prayer Matters” article, I want to talk about something we encounter every week in our worship: the “collect form”. Now, you may already know that “Collect” (which we have every week in our service) is...
When I think of my life I am not sure if prayer is everything as in those times when there is such joy to be held up by the Holy Spirit that it feels like my chest will burst open and I will shatter into thousands of shards of light which...
When should I pray - Where should I pray - What should I pray
Ever forget where you parked your car? “Lost” your keys? Forget items on the grocery list? Peoples’ names when introduced? And of course, what is my...
Fix my Unbelief
As a college student, my next steps are constantly up in the air and always profoundly out of my control. With every answer comes five more questions. Where will I go to school? What will I major in? Will I get this internship?...
In many of these Prayer Matters articles, we’ve shared testimonies of personal prayers being answered. While it’s true they may not always be answered in our way and in our time, they are always answered in His way and in His...
On days when so many things race through your mind, that you can hardly grasp one thought long enough to think it through...Yes, STOP. Give yourself permission to sit back and take a breath. We need to step away from our mental busyness and our...
Because we believe prayer matters, members of Faith Lutheran Church volunteer to write the monthly “Prayer Matters” article for the Voice. I chose May because it is my birthday month. I love gifts and I know how generous...