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The Voice of Faith


Filtered by: Ron Mitchell

Prayer Matters July 2024
    06.30.24 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Ron Mitchell

    In many of these Prayer Matters articles, we’ve shared testimonies of personal prayers being answered.  While it’s true they may not always be answered in our way and in our time, they are always answered in His way and in His...

    General Update - April 2024
      04.08.24 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

      Dear Faith Lutheran Church family: It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve you as Congregation President these past five years.  When Jim West and Grace Shelton approached me to consider joining the Council, I was admittedly reluctant...

      Congregational Meeting
        03.03.24 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell | by Michael Schmidt

        Dear FLC Family: There is a Congregation meeting scheduled for March 17, at Noon, following the 11AM service. Your attendance is very much needed to help elect officers and approve the budget, so please plan to attend. The following positions...

        Prayer Matters - Dec 2023
          12.01.23 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Ron Mitchell

          Are you wondering why these “prayer matters” articles keep showing up in The Voice?  Or perhaps you may have even wondered if prayer really matters, especially when a prayer sometimes seems to go unanswered.  Well, we are...

          Thanksgiving In September
            09.03.23 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

            God’s Word tells us the Church is not just a building, an organization, or even a denomination.  It’s a body of people who believe in Jesus Christ.  The church is referred to as "the body of Christ" in various New Testament...

            Meet Your Call Committee
              06.01.23 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

              Meet Your Call Committee Dear Faith Lutheran Church Family: Now that Pastor Sam has taken a call to Faith Lutheran Oakville, we must go to work, following God’s direction, to call a new Associate Pastor. I have named a Call Committee...

              Thanksgiving in April
                04.01.23 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

                Dear FLC Brothers and Sisters: We’re at the beginning of a new Church fiscal year at Faith Lutheran, and we have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as Congregation President for one more year, as we adjust...

                Meet Your Council (continued)
                  09.04.22 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

                  Board of Elders Director - Jim West: This Board is responsible for the physical, spiritual and professional life of the Pastor(s). The Director presides at all meetings of the Board and ensures they are conducted in an orderly and Christlike...

                  Meet Your Council
                    07.31.22 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

                    Dear blessed Faith Lutheran Church Congregation: Every two years, the election process is conducted to elect Church Officers and Directors.  Earlier this year, you elected two officers and several Directors.  As your President, I would...