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The Voice of Faith


Filtered by: Prayer Matters

Prayer Matters - Gratitude
    04.08.24 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Randy Taylor

    Lutherans are blessed to spend the days of Lent in an atmosphere of almost constant focus on Jesus’ willing trip toward the awful cross and His death there.  What a horrible trip He made in order that we might be forgiven of all sins...

    His Peace Is Our Gift From Him
      03.03.24 | Articles | Prayer Matters

      When anxiety fights to take hold of our hearts, and the world’s chaos tries to consume you and me, allow Him to fill you with His Peace. When we have no strength to step beyond the line of stress that the enemy has drawn, bow before His...

      Prayer Matters Feb 2-24
        02.03.24 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Mary Beth Born

        Do you need a 911 call to God, and you feel like you can’t get through? It can sometimes feel that way when we are lost or stuck - and maybe like we don't even know how to move forward. Sometimes we need more than our daily prayers because...

        Prayer Matters Jan 2024
          01.01.24 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Randy Taylor

          Dear friends, our prayers “matter” because God matters, right?  Good question, right?  As I really think about this and look in the mirror, I ask myself, “Is it really true that God matters to me?” ...

          Prayer Matters - Dec 2023
            12.01.23 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Ron Mitchell

            Are you wondering why these “prayer matters” articles keep showing up in The Voice?  Or perhaps you may have even wondered if prayer really matters, especially when a prayer sometimes seems to go unanswered.  Well, we are...

            Prayer Matters August 2023
              08.01.23 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Judy McDermott

              Do you have time? Our lives are so busy! How did I ever have time to work a full-time job? How do I have time to talk to God or even hear from God? I make every effort to put God first in my life. I make time every morning to pray...

