It has been a blessing and a privilege to serve the Lord through serving our church family, friends and community this past year. We thank all of you for your prayers and your support. We would like to share with you some of our...
Join us
for a special Thanksgiving Eve service and Pie Fellowship. The service will start at 6PM and we will meet in the Fellowship Hall afterward at 7PM for pie and fellowship time.
It’s That Time Again!
Greetings to all Members of...
In this “Prayer Matters” article, I want to talk about something we encounter every week in our worship: the “collect form”. Now, you may already know that “Collect” (which we have every week in our service) is...
Through November in our Epistle readings we’re going to be continuing through the book of Hebrews, focusing on chapters 9 and 10. These chapters mark one of the central points of the whole book, summarized in Hebrews...
As you may or may not know, Faith Lutheran Church is part of the English District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. What makes that even more enjoyable for us is that we have fellow District congregations in Canada. Though the United States...
Rally Day, Sunday School, and Bible Study
Usually, we think of Springtime for renewal and new growth – but not this month! Fall brings the excitement of Rally Day – the BIG kick off to Lambs of Faith, Sunday School, and Adult Bible...
Dear Congregation, thank you for meeting and going beyond the challenge Mite goal extended in April to meet the shortfall of the grant goals for the LWML FL/GA District! The challenge extended was $1000.00. The actual collection was $2953.99!!!...
Throughout October in our Epistle readings we’re going to be reading from the book of Hebrews, and the first reading from Hebrews for October (on the 5th and 6th) sets up an important theme for the whole book. That reading begins...
Growing up, I was blessed with being near both sets of grandparents. Their cultures and backgrounds were very different as it was a formal time and proper English was important to them. I’ll never forget one Thanksgiving where I...
When I think of my life I am not sure if prayer is everything as in those times when there is such joy to be held up by the Holy Spirit that it feels like my chest will burst open and I will shatter into thousands of shards of light which...