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The Voice of Faith


Filtered by: General

Healing Prayer Team Update
    06.01.23 | Mission | General | by Randy Taylor

    Faith Lutheran Church’s OSL Healing Prayer Team Update As 2023 progresses, Faith’s OSL Healing Prayer Team (HPT) is following its annual plan. We want all Faith members to be aware of the plan and receive information about how you...

    June 2023 General Update
      06.01.23 | Articles | Youth | General

      Youth Update Attention Faith youth and families! We have monthly activities planned for you and your families and would like your updated contact information to keep you in the loop! If you could please contact Michele Peterson for more...

      OSL Healing Prayer Team Update
        05.01.23 | Articles | General | by Randy Taylor

        As 2023 progresses, Faith’s OSL Healing Prayer Team (HPT) is following its annual plan.  We want all Faith members to be aware of the plan and receive information about how you might become involved. Attention younger Faith...

        Register now for VBS!
          05.01.23 | Articles | Lambs of Faith | Youth | General

          Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! Twists & Turns is a fantastical celebration of games of all kinds. From classic tabletop games to strategy games to video games and more, kids will play their way...

          Thanksgiving in April
            04.01.23 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

            Dear FLC Brothers and Sisters: We’re at the beginning of a new Church fiscal year at Faith Lutheran, and we have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as Congregation President for one more year, as we adjust...

            Meet Your Council (continued)
              09.04.22 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

              Board of Elders Director - Jim West: This Board is responsible for the physical, spiritual and professional life of the Pastor(s). The Director presides at all meetings of the Board and ensures they are conducted in an orderly and Christlike...

              August 2022 General Update
                07.31.22 | Articles | General | by Sam Maconachy

                Sunday School Team We are continually praying and seeking any members interested in being a part of our Sunday School team to do one of the most important things here at Faith:  love, nurture, instruct, play joyfully with in Christ all our...

                "The Chosen" a new Bible Study
                  07.31.22 | Articles | General | by Randy Taylor

                  Dear Faith family, Faith is offering a new Bible study for individuals, couples and families.  This Bible study will use the first year’s series of “The Chosen” videos.  The stories are centered around Biblical...

                  Meet Your Council
                    07.31.22 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

                    Dear blessed Faith Lutheran Church Congregation: Every two years, the election process is conducted to elect Church Officers and Directors.  Earlier this year, you elected two officers and several Directors.  As your President, I would...
